The Cities of Stroud
Spanning the Globe

Although there are a number of different communities which bear the name of Stroud, there are only four major cities called Stroud--yet they are found on three separate continents.

A curious thing about these different communities is that they are linked to one another in an annual competition. The events are conducted at each location separately, and then tabulated against the accomplishments of the other Strouds. Once all of the results have been compared, the year's winners are announced.

Most of the communities do not yet have a centralized web site. If you are aware of a better address than the one cited, pass it on.

Links to the Cities of Stroud

Stroud, Gloucestershire, United Kingdom
Stroud, Oklahoma, United States
Stroud, New South Wales, Australia
Stroud, Ontario, Canada
And... Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, United States

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