Members of the Inklings

The Heart of this Unique Fellowship

C.S. Lewis

Catalyst for this creative community.
Oxford & Cambridge professor.
Creator of Narnia.
Advocate of "mere Christianity."
Devoted disciple of Jesus.

J.R.R. Tolkien

Close friend and colleague of C.S. Lewis
Creator of Middle Earth
Author of The Hobbit,
Lord of the Rings,
and The Silmarillion.

Warren Lewis

Brother & Intimate Friend of C.S. Lewis.
Veteran of WWI & WWII
Author of The Splendid Century,
Sunset of the Splendid Century,
and other historical works.

Charles Williams

Respected friend of C.S. Lewis.
Writer, editor and lecturer.
Author of "supernatural thrillers"
including Place of the Lion,
and various other titles.

Owen Barfield

Lifelong friend of C.S. Lewis.
"wisest... of my unofficial teachers"
A "great war" erupted between the two
with Barfield's conversion to Anthroposophy,
yet their friendship survived.

Honorary Members

Helen Joy Davidman

Beloved wife of C.S. Lewis.
Gifted poet and author of
Smoke on the Mountain,
War Poems of the United Nations
and more.

Doug Gresham

(1945- )
Faithful step-son of C.S. Lewis.
"a very bright spot in my life"
Author of Lenten Lands,
Director with his wife Merrie
of Rathvinden Ministries.


Wizard of Middle Earth

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